Directed by RGBA Studios' Aakash Shivdasani , this is a 15 second TVC for JWT Delhi and Glaxo Smith Kline.
7 days between 2 cities from PPM to delivery,a grueling 13 hour shoot shift and straight into the edit room through the night ,96 hours of non-stop post heavy CG work , 27 edits in 9 languages and two audio shifts later, 15 seconds of film making that had the client beaming.
We were approached by JWT delhi to produce a 15 second TVC introducing the new mascot for Junior Horlicks and the new packaging to be launched in 2014 .
Having an in-house post studio whose forte is CG and live action integration, the onus was on us to translate the 2D mascot concept into a fleshed out CG ambassador to be used in all future Jr.Horlicks TVC's.
Client: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited , India
Agency - JWT, Delhi
Creative - Surjo Dutt, Romit Nair
Servicing - Bhavana Dogra, Akriti Anand, Riya Mitra
Production House - RGBA Studios Pvt. Ltd.
Director - Aakash Shivdasani
Producer - Sandesh S. Pai
DoP - Gagan Vishwakarma
Asst. Director - Priyank Rawal
Asst. DoP - Ravindra
Line Producer - Anand Upadhya
Line Producer - Rohit Sharma
Costume Stylist - Reena Manavath & Ruchika Ittal
Hair/Make Up - Krish Chauhan & Bhaavna
Grade/Online - Amol katkar / Falgun Busa (Lemon Yellow Sun )
Composer - Venkatesh Srikanta